Network Gatherings are half-day or day-long gatherings that will be held on the first day (Friday, June 22) of CommonBound. They are proposed and organized by volunteers who want to bring a group of 20-100 people together to increase the capacity of our movements. They can be organized as open or closed meetings. Formats might include a day-long training, a meeting for members of an existing network, a bridge building session between folks from two sectors/movements, a strategy session for local groups, or a mini-retreat. The registration fee for a network gathering is $50 to cover food and space for the day.
If you are interested in attending a closed gathering or have questions about a specific gathering, please contact the coordinator who is listed-- they will be able to let you know if the gathering is accepting attendees and answer any questions.
If you have general questions about network gathering registration, please contact commonbound [at]