Québec's Social Economy: From Bread & Roses to a Framework Law

Sunday, June 8th, 9:30 AM to 10:45 AM
Room 444

In the province of Québec, Canada, the social economy has become a powerful force in advancing a plural economy that serves communities and the common good, meeting community hopes and needs.  Non-profit and co-operative social economy enterprises ensure collective control and the sustained economic, social and cultural vitality of communities.

Going back to the creation of the Chantier de l’économie sociale in 1996, this workshop will recount the history, challenges and strategic choices that have influenced the successful organizing and growth behind an emerging economic alternative, culminating last fall in the unanimous adoption of a provincial framework law that officially recognizes the social economy and integrates it into government policies and programs.

Collaborative live notes: https://commonbound.hackpad.com/Qubecs-Social-Economy-From-Bread-Roses-t...