Take Back Your Time

John de Graaf is an author, filmmaker and Executive Director of Take Back Your Time (www.timeday.org). Fifteen of his documentaries, including the popular special, AFFLUENZA, have been broadcast nationally on PBS. His books include the best-seller AFFLUENZA: THE ALL-CONSUMING EPIDEMIC, now in its third edition, and WHAT'S THE ECONOMY FOR, ANYWAY? His work and speaking engagements involve exploration of the intersection of happiness, work-life balance, consumerism, health and sustainability. He has taught at The Evergreen State College and helped develop the UW Summer School Class "What's the Economy for, Anyway?" in 2007.He is a co-founder of The Happiness Initiative (www.happycounts.org) and recently served as an advisor to the government of Bhutan as it development its Gross National Happiness project proposal for the United Nations.