New America Foundation

Barry Lynn directs the Markets, Enterprise, and Resiliency Initiative, and is a senior fellow at the New America Foundation. He is author of Cornered: The New Monopoly Capitalism and the Economics of Destruction (Wiley 2010) and End of the Line: The Rise and Coming Fall of the Global Corporation (Doubleday 2005). Lynn’s groundbreaking writings on interdependence among nations and the growing fragility of complex industrial systems have attracted wide attention, and he has presented his work to high officials in China, Japan, Germany, Britain, France, Taiwan, and the European Commission, as well as in the White House and U.S. Treasury Department. Lynn’s writings on the political and economic effects of the extreme consolidation of power in the U.S. have influenced the thinking of policymakers and antitrust professionals on both sides of the Atlantic. His work has been profiled on CBS and in the New York Times, and his articles have appeared in publications including Harper’s, the Financial Times, Harvard Business Review, and Foreign Policy. He has appeared on CBS, PBS, CNN, the BBC, NPR, MSNBC, C-Span, and the Christian Broadcasting Network, among others. Prior to joining New America, Lynn was executive editor of Global Business Magazine for seven years, and worked as a correspondent in Peru, Venezuela, and the Caribbean for the Associated Press and Agence France Presse.