Keith Harrington is the former Maryland and Washington D.C. Field Director for the Chesapeake Climate Action Network – a Mid-Atlantic-based climate and clean-energy advocacy group that 350.org founder Bill McKibben calls “the best regional climate organization in the world.” During his four years at CCAN, Keith organized grassroots activists across Maryland and D.C. to push for aggressive policy responses to the climate crisis. His work has positioned Maryland to become one of the first states to develop offshore wind power, and he has contributed to the passage of some of the most progressive state and local climate policies in the nation including the first county-level carbon tax, and the Maryland Greenhouse Gas Reduction Act of 2009. Keith’s appreciation of the need for systemic economic change led him join the Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy as its Climate and Energy Specialist in 2010, and thereafter to join the board of the New Economy Network before its merger with the New Economics Institute. Keith is currently pursuing a master’s degree in economics and leading NEI's Campus Network affiliate group at the New School for Social Research in Manhattan. He also recently launched Shoestring Videos for Nonprofits - a discount video-production and graphic-design service for progressive advocacy groups, and is a contributing writer on climate, energy and the new-economy at several publications including Truthout, Grist.org, Alternet, and the Huffington Post.