
Pamela Boyce Simms is a Trainer for Transition US, convenes the Mid-Atlantic Transition Hub (MATH) a six-state consortium that facilitates the collaboration of Transition Town initiatives throughout the region. She also directs the Woodstock, NY Timebank and serves on the Board of the Hudson Valley Current, a local alternative currency. Pamela Boyce Simms, a change agent and public speaker for over 25 years, offers Transition initiatives an experiential understanding of how groups can work when at their best. A veteran of non-profit organizational development, Pamela helps initiatives work toward a progressive mastery of group dynamics that is essential to the long term traction, momentum and success of Transition towns. She adapts her expertise with a suite of facilitation tools, consensus building, systems development, and change management technologies to the needs of specific groups and organizations. Pamela holds a BSFS, from Georgetown University's Edmund Walsh School of Foreign Service, a Matrise de Lettres (MA) de L'Universite de Dakar, Senegal, West Africa, is a Certified NLP Master Practitioner, and does Post Graduate work at the C.G. Jung Institute, NY.